Join BIOSPHERE FUNDACER World Exhibition "let's take Care of Our Planet" and I know part of the greater display physical and virtual in the metaverse dedicated to biodiversity and the protection of the environment! We invite artists, photographers and designers of all ages to share their vision and talent in this global movement.
Your participation is completely free, but your contribution to the cause has no price.
If you would like to support this cause through your collaboration or donation, we will be deeply grateful. Every contribution, no matter the size, will contribute to this project to continue to grow, spreading the message of environmental conservation and biodiversity to more corners of the world. Thank you for being part of the change!
Would you like to know more about our Program Global BIOSPHERE?
We are an initiative socio-cultural committed to the promotion of the welfare of the environment, working to create a more sustainable future for all.
Would you like me to delve into some particular aspect of the program?